Stop Lawmakers from Hurting Kids and Families

The Wisconsin Senate will be voting tomorrow, Tuesday, February 20, on a set of “special session” bills that will make harmful changes to vital public assistance programs in our state. The bills have already passed the State Assembly. Most of these bills restrict eligibility for important safety net programs or create administrative barriers to participation in those programs— increasing the number of Wisconsinites who are hungry, homeless, and uninsured.

ACT NOW: Tell your State Senator that real welfare reform should help not hurt Wisconsin families. Ask them to VOTE NO on any bill that would impede access to important safety net programs.

These proposals do very little to improve the well-being of Wisconsin’s children, families, and communities, and instead, they only make it harder for people who are already struggling to overcome barriers to success.

The building blocks for self-sufficiency are investments in high quality education from cradle to career and good quality health care, not policies that make it harder for parents to provide for their families.

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Madison, WI